hahaha...kene tembak lagi..eila ni kan, memang tau...huhuhu...byk tul soklan.. xper fieza try jawab erk...
1. Were you named after anyone? Tak der..kakak fieza yang bagi nama ni - Hafizaillyana
2. When was the last time you cried? baru jerk..emo kejap..huhuu
3. Do you like your handwriting? Mestilah...tulisan sendiri kan
4. What is your favorite lunch meat? Pape saje yg bleh konyang..
5. Do you have kids? Ado...sorang anak teruna..
6. If you were another person would you be friends with you? sudah semestinya...
7. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Entah ..
8. Do you still have your tonsils? Takde ...
9. Would you bungee jump? x ado maknonye...gile ker..
10. What is your favorite cereal? Cornflakes
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Takde kasut bertali lor..
12. Do you think you are strong? x der kot..lembik semanjang..ciwek!!
13. What is your favorite ice cream? sume ais krim saya bedal!!
14. What is the first thing you notice about people? Appearance
15. Red or pink? Merah ler...suke warna merah tau....
16. What is the least favorite thing you like about yourself? suke shopping
17. Who do you miss the most? Keluargaku dan kawan lamaku..
18. Do you want everyone to send this back to you? nope..
19. What color pants and shoes are you wearing? black...
20. What was the last thing you ate? keledek goreng..
21. What are you listening to right now? radio era rentak muzik terkini
22. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Red
23. Favorite smells? Lavender..
24. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My friend
25. Do you like the person who sent this to you? mestiler..
26. Favorite sports to watch? Badminton
27. Hair color? Black
28.Eye color? itam ke ala2 coklat...hahaha
29. Do you wear contacts? x der..sbb mata den sihat...
30. Favorite food? Nasi ayam
31. Scary movies or happy endings? happy ending ler..
32. Last movie you watched? Apa ntah..lupe ler..dah lama..
33. What color shirt are you wearing? Red
34. Summer or winter? Winter..best sejuk2 ni..hehe
35. Hugs or kisses? Dua2 nak gak.. tamak ok!
36. Favorite dessert?Bagi je pape pon..
37. Most likely to respond?? tgk keadaan..
38 Least likely to respond?? sama jugak cam jawapan di atas
39 What book are you reading now? x baca buku pon skang nih..
40. What is on your mouse pad? My mouse pad pon x derk..camano??.
41. What did you watch on t.v. last night? Jangan Tidur Lagi...
42. Favorite sound? Bunyik suara anakku..
43. Rolling stones or beatles? Beatles
44. What is the furthest you have been from home? Ade ke??..lupe sudah..
45. Do you have a special talent?Special ...??? Menangis ~ aci x??
46. Where were you born? Selangor ler.....
47. Whose answers are you looking forward to getting back? haha...oleh kerana ade org baru selesai ISO nye maka diberikan kepada Ijan dan Kak eza....
ko memang suke aku buat keje kan??ko dengki aku dok melepak kan??
wei...tak jawap leh tak????
banyak tol soklan ko kasi....
tak suka....tak suka...tak suka !!!!!paham x???
wahhhhhhhhhhh..menjawab soklan ni.. bagus2
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